Jewish Thought


Caring for Elderly Parents

What does Jewish law require of adult children?

Balancing Work & Home in Judaism

Despite recognizing the value of work, Judaism insists that family must come first.

Jewish Attitudes Toward Eastern Religions

Most traditional authorities dismissed Hinduism as idolatry, but in recent years, some Jews have become more tolerant of certain Eastern religions and practices.

How to Be a Host, How to Be a Guest

Jewish ethical literature provides practical, down-to-earth guidelines on how to behave towards one's guests and towards one's hosts.

What’s Wrong with Adultery?

The problem with marital infidelity is the loss of the relaxed intimacy that lets us be ourselves.

I and Thou: Selected Passages

When a person encounters another person in total immediacy, he or she may also experience a glimpse of God.

Ancient Jewish Thought

Ancient Jewish Thought. Ancient Jewish History. Jewish History and Community.

Jewish Attitudes Toward Proselytes

At times, Jews have embraced large numbers of converts, but hostile relations with Gentile neighbors often led to suspicion of proselytes as well. 

Jewish Wisdom on Friendship

Jewish literature offers many insights into the nature of friendship, the rewards it offers, and the efforts one should make to sustain a friendship.

Historic Jewish Views on Christianity

Theological attitudes toward Christianity have changed over time in response to social and political developments.

Overview: Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

What have Jews thought about non-Jews at various points in history?

Jewish Husbands, Jewish Wives, and Jewish Partners

Husbands, wives, and relationships in Judaism are governed by the principle that "It is not good for the human to be alone."
