Sages & Scholars


Martin Buber

The creation of a Jewish existentialism--and a Jewish state.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai

The grave of this second century rabbi is the site of a large annual pilgrimage.

Maimonides’ Legal Writings

Maimonides' extensive writings on Jewish law, or halachah, remain an unsurpassed accomplishment.

Nehama Leibowitz: The Paradigm of a Torah Teacher

A woman who gained accomplished rabbis as her students, Leibowitz is considered among the great Torah scholars of the 20th century.

Judaism after the Temple

Coping with destruction and building for the future.

Rabbi Joshua

This early Rabbi of the Mishnah regularly debated Rabbi Eliezer.

Rabban Gamaliel

Many rabbis of the same name served as Nasi or Prince.

Moshe Feinstein

This 20th-century rabbi was the leading Jewish law authority of his generation.

Vilna Gaon

This renowned scholar led the non-Hasidic Jewish world into modernity.

Who Was Rav Nachman of Breslov?

Famous for his sayings, stories and charisma, this Hasidic leader inspired a movement that is still vibrant today.

The Baal Shem Tov

The founder of Hasidism is shrouded in legend and mystery.

Isaac Luria and Kabbalah in Safed

After the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the center of kabbalistic study moved to the town of Safed in northern Palestine.
