Science and Ecology
Where the Wood Meets Water
We can return on a path of responsible and sustainable stewardship.
Judaism and Psychology
Jews have engaged with and steered psychological inquiry since its inception.
Seder Zeraim (Agriculture)
Some of the mishnaic laws related to agriculture remain directly relevant for contemporary urban and suburban lives.
Jewish Teachings on Nature and the Environment
Is nature valued for itself or because it is necessary for the survival of humanity?
Ancient/Medieval Jewish History
Jewish Science in the Middle Ages
Attitudes toward and contributions to medieval science.
Science Vs. Sabbath?
The environmental destruction intended as a punishment for failing to observe the sabbatical year raises contemporary questions of how to prevent environmental devastation.
Judaism and Cats
Ancient Jewish sources are ambivalent about cats, seeing them as somewhere between domestic and wild.
Ask the Expert: Is There a Jewish Blessing for Seeing a Solar Eclipse?
Solar eclipses have traditionally been understood by Jewish tradition as bad omens.
CRISPR, the Eclipse and Rabbi Soloveitchik
The fact that we can even think about changing genes to let blind people see is an incredible achievement in and of itself
What Artificial Intelligence Can Teach Us About Ourselves
How technological innovations impact the human condition