

Going Down to Yasgur’s Farm

I’m very picky about the movies I see. In my eyes, I already have a television at home. Why should ...

Still Jewish with Keren R. McGinity, Ph.D.

What happens when Jewish women intermarry? Do they lose their ties to Judaism, or do they develop stronger ties to ...

News From The North, A Book Review, And An Anniversary

While withdrawl from the Golan is often dismissed as unthinkable, governments of Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu (first term), Barak, and Olmert ...

Roseanne Barr…Oy

You know that famous Seinfeld where Jerry thinks his dentist, Dr. Watley, converted to Judaism for the jokes? A priest ...

Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s “A Heart Afire”

As one of the founders of the Jewish Renewal movement, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi has labored his whole life to make ...

Friday Night Music and Women as Orthodox Clergy

There has been a marked growth in the use of instrumental music for Friday night services, including a rise in ...

How to Hate the Gays

Last night I was working at our local co-op market. The crowd there is pretty diverse — Hasidic Jews, Caribbean ...

Haftarah for Eikev

Isaiah consoles the exiled nation of Israel.

Family Matters

A man is unable to marry because the Israeli Rabbinate decides that he is actually an adoptee, although there is ...

Haftarah for Ki Tavo: Summary

Today may be dark, but tomorrow, God's light will shine on His people.

Ending Kaddish on Tisha B’Av

In a few hours we begin mourning the destruction of the Temple. Tisha B’Av is considered the saddest day of ...
