

Sign Me Up For Aliyah!

You know, some things you’re just born with. Lebron James, born to be a basketball player. Jeremy Moses, born to ...

Haftarah for Naso

The birth of Samson.

Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte

On April 11, 1649, Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte was burned at the stake in Mexico City, a victim of the Inquisition. His crime: practicing the rites and ceremonies of the

Jews to Pope: Give Us Back Our Stuff!

You know how the Ark gets lost in some random warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders ...

August Bondi

The Jew who fought beside John Brown

Ethical Kashrut: Going Live in 5

It’s been exactly one year since the Agriprocessors/Rubashkin’s scandal broke out, and today, the Orthodox Social Justice organization Uri L’Tzedek ...

Poll: Same Sex Marriage

This week, two Orthodox organizations, The Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel, came out in a joint statement against a New ...

Arthur Szyk: His Brush Was His Sword

"Roosevelt's soldier with a pen."

A Few Humble Coins and the Making of Israel

The creation of the state of Israel in 1948 is largely a result of President Truman and his administration.

Isaac de Castro

In 1647, the Portuguese Inquisition in Brazil compelled Isaac de Castro to choose between his Judaism and being burned alive. De Castro courageously chose his faith and martyrdom.

Jacob Lumbrozo

One of the first persons charged with blasphemy in the English colonies was a Jew.

Wise Fridays: People Are Stingy

People are stingy with money, but we’re also stingy with kavod, with honor. We’re even stingy with ourselves. We’re supposed ...
