Don’t Think About Nazis
Think about Poland. Think about shtetl life, and Jews in Eastern Europe. Are you capable of picturing that without Hitler ...
I Don’t Think They Get It
One of my favorite movies of all time is The Producers. I don’t remember how old I was, but I ...
He’s Not Faking It! He’s Really Orthodox!
Here’s a video about Alan Veingrad, who played for the Packers, won a Super Bowl, and is now frum. The ...
I’m Blushing All Over
If you’ve spent any time in a schvitz or even just a gym locker room you’ve probably seen a fair ...
Jane Evans Argues for Ordination of Women Rabbis
Today in Jewish History: April 29, 1957
Amy Eilberg Ordained as First Female Conservative Rabbi
Today in Jewish History: May 12, 1985