

Israel’s Soul

As I mentioned yesterday, Alvin Rosenfeld begins his essay “Progressive Jewish Thought and the New Anti-Semitism” with several harrowing pages ...

That Anti-Semitism Article

I know I’m a week late, but I finally got around to reading Alvin Rosenfeld’s AJC article “Progressive Jewish Thought ...

More Walt & Mearsheimer

I just received Farrar, Straus, & Giroux’s preview of its Fall 2007 books, and Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s The ...

Teaching Your Children about Derech Eretz

How to raise a family of mensches.

Science & Judaism

I’m pleased to announce MJL’s newest section: Science & Judaism.We’ll be rolling out some more content (including a sub-section on ...

Abraham Isaac Kook on Evolution

How evolutionary theory supports a mystical worldview.

Science and Creation: A Kabbalistic Approach

Modern cosmology meets traditional Jewish mysticism.

The First Day of Creation

Recent scientific discoveries are in striking agreement with the Genesis record.

Reading Modern Science into Genesis

Contemporary approaches to reconciling discrepancies.

Mordecai Kaplan: Accepting Darwinism

The founder of Reconstructionist Judaism takes a pragmatic approach.

Genesis As Allegory

Recognizing the deeper meaning of the text.

Torah and Science

Torah and science coexist in the world that Hashem fashioned.
