Yeshiva Education & Intermarriage
At some point I got signed up for a “Daily Halacha” email by a Rabbi Eli Mansour. Usually, I’m most ...
Spiritual Technologies
Ira Rifkin has an interesting article in this week’s Jewish Week about the Tiferet Institute’s recent conference on Kabbalah for ...
Literary Feuds
On the Daily Shvitz yesterday, Elisa Albert referred to an amazing article from the New York Times last month about ...
If Tony Blair is an Octopus
I only just stumbled upon Terry Eagleton’s review of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion in the London Review of Books ...
Rabbi Nevins Reflects
This week on MyJewishLearning, Rabbi Daniel Nevins reflects on his role in the Conservative movement’s recent debate on homosexuality and ...
The Rushkoff-Beery Debate
The Ethics of Our Fathers famously defines an “argument for the sake of heaven” and an “argument not for the ...
Conservative Rabbis Explain Themselves
This week’s Jewish Week has two letters from rabbis on the Conservative movement’s Law Committee, explaining their recent votes on ...
Rushkoff Responds
In discussing the “Next Big Jewish Idea” question, I cited Douglas Rushkoff’s writing on business innovation and noted his book ...
Debating God
Over at, Douglas Rushkoff, the subject of some recent posts here, and our friend Rabbi Andy Bachman are duking ...