

Rabbi Sacks Weighs In

Thanks to Cross-Currents and Hirhurim for pointing out Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ article about Richard Dawkins’ atheism in The Times of ...

On Polytheism (More God Delusions)

“It is not clear why the change from polytheism to monotheism should be assumed to be a self-evidently progressive improvement.” ...

The God Delusion

When I woke up last Saturday and saw the New York Times Book Review, I couldn’t help wondering: What would ...

Welcome to Mixed Multitudes was created to be a comprehensive source of Jewish information and in the past few years we have initiated ...

Hannah Arendt

A towering intellectual who theorized about the nature of totalitarianism and Nazi evil.

Steven Spielberg

From E.T. to Munich, the boy wonder of the movie industry grows up.

The Sinai Campaign

Israel's First Military Offensive.

Chaim Soutine

A Belarusian yeshiva boy becomes an icon of Parisian art.

Steve Stern

Steve Stern's The Wedding Jester.

In the Image

Dara Horn's novel.

The Puttermesser Papers

Cynthia Ozick's response to Chick Lit.

Everything is Illuminated

A book by Jonathan Safran Foer
