

Influence of Isaac Bashevis Singer

I.B. Singer's ghost haunts Jewish literature to this day.

Esther Kreitman

Esther Singer Kreitman was a published author, but she was overshadowed by her brothers.

Isaac Bashevis Singer: Criticism

Not everyone admired Singer's fiction.

Isaac Bashevis Singer on Screen

The big screen likes I.B. Singer--but he didn't always like it.

Isaac Bashevis Singer: Between Fact and Fiction

The life and work of Yiddish literature's Nobel laureate.

Canadian Jewry

Canada's multicultural society has shaped its Jewish community.

Rabbi Louis Jacobs

Scholar and leader known for his prolific writing and intellectual integrity.

Jewish Modern Art

From Abstract Expressionism to Feminism.

Avot d’Rabbi Natan

A companion volume to Pirkei Avot.

Domestic Violence in Jewish Law

How Judaism views wifebeating.

Teaching Tzedakah to Children

Using your common cents.

Architecture in Israel

Integrating the European and the Middle Eastern.
