Midrashic Art
Midrashic Art. Biblical Art. History and Theology of Jewish Art. Jewish Artists. Jewish Painters.
Treating Addiction With Jewish Values
Messages from Jewish tradition to help combat substance abuse and other addictions
Jewish-Christian Dialogue: The Next Stage
Christians and Jews must rethink how they approach each other.
Jewish Pluralism & Peoplehood
A biblical model of reconciliation can help bring Jews and Christians together.
Keeping Kosher: A Personal Perspective
Boundaries, rules, cravings, and keeping my kashrut fresh
Prayer as a Way of Being
Beyond services and synagogue, the challenge of living a prayerful life
American vs. Jewish Values
American-Jewish may sound natural, but the hyphen hides deep contradictions.
Rights & Responsibilities
One is American, the other Jewish--but they are not in contradiction.