

Mideast Peace: Paving the Way

Earlier U.S. plans for Israel-Palestine peace attempted to stop the violence but failed.

From Agriculture to High-Tech

The evolution of Israel's economy.

Israel’s Economic Challenges

In addition to the problems most economies face, Israel must deal with issues unique to its situation.

Overview: Israel’s Economy

Israel's Economy. Contemporary Israel. The Jewish State. Jewish History and Community.

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) changed the face of American poetry.

Jewish Women After the Haskalah

The Jewish home takes center stage.

In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport

A poem from Emma Lazarus's 1871 collection Ademtus and Other Poems

Emma Lazarus

The poetry of Emma Lazarus (1849-1887), best known for the verse inscribed on the Statue of Liberty pedestal

Chava Alberstein: Multilingual Folkie

In Hebrew, English and Yiddish, this legendary Israeli singer has created an unparalleled body of music.

Humanistic Judaism

The origins of a small Jewish movement that embraces a cultural identity while rejecting a belief in God.

Rock ‘N’ Roll Jews

The Jewish contribution to the development of rock music

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan's lyrics never explicitly invoke his Jewish roots, but Jewish influences are never far from the surface.
