Mideast Peace: Paving the Way
Earlier U.S. plans for Israel-Palestine peace attempted to stop the violence but failed.
Israel’s Economic Challenges
In addition to the problems most economies face, Israel must deal with issues unique to its situation.
Overview: Israel’s Economy
Israel's Economy. Contemporary Israel. The Jewish State. Jewish History and Community.
In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport
A poem from Emma Lazarus's 1871 collection Ademtus and Other Poems
Emma Lazarus
The poetry of Emma Lazarus (1849-1887), best known for the verse inscribed on the Statue of Liberty pedestal
Chava Alberstein: Multilingual Folkie
In Hebrew, English and Yiddish, this legendary Israeli singer has created an unparalleled body of music.
Humanistic Judaism
The origins of a small Jewish movement that embraces a cultural identity while rejecting a belief in God.
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan's lyrics never explicitly invoke his Jewish roots, but Jewish influences are never far from the surface.