

The Nuremberg Laws

Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor

The May Laws

Primary historical text: Russia, 1881

Abraham Abulafia & Ecstatic Kabbalah

One strand of medieval kabbalah focused on achieving a transformative mystical experience.

Peace: Jewish Traditional Sources

The concept of peace is deeply ingrained in the Jewish legal and ethical system.

VEDEM, Terezin 1942-1944

The secret magazine of the boys of Terezin.

Responding to the Free Will Problem in Judaism

Responses to Jewish Free Will Problem. Jewish Free Will. Jewish Choice and Determinism. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Reinterpreting Mysticism and Messianism

Yehuda Liebes has revolutionized our understanding of the Zohar and underscored the relationship between kabbalah and Christianity.

Misrepresentation and Fraud in Jewish Law

Talmudic law and the medieval law codes developed from it protected consumers from many types of deceptive practices.

Maimonides’ Eight Levels: A Contemporary Reading

Jeff Spitzer mines Maimonides' 8 levels of Tzedakah for guidance on contemporary issues in tzedakah.

Fraudulent Pricing in Jewish Law

A seller charging more than fair market value can be forced to rebate the difference, or even to cancel the sale.

Price Regulation in Jewish Law

Jewish law provides for government intervention in the markets for goods and services through price controls, limits on profits, and perhaps even allowing cartels to operate.

Genetic Engineering: A Call for Restraint

A biblical prohibition against mixing species teaches us that we are partners in creation -- but with limits
