

The Hebrew Alphabet: A Mystical Journey

Jewish mystics took Judaism's reverence for the Hebrew language one step further, venerating the Hebrew letters themselves and considering them paths to the Divine.

Emunah: Biblical Faith

In the Torah, faith in God means trust, not belief in particular propositions.

Israeli Hummus Recipe

You've seen it in the stores. Now you can make it at home.

Jewish Philosophy and Philosophies of Judaism

It is more accurate to speak of Jewish philosophies than of a single Jewish philosophy.

The Emergence of Jewish Dogma

Medieval authorities responded to outside pressures and formulated Jewish principles of faith.

Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought

Saadiah articulated Jewish creeds, Maimonides followed suit, and a group of 15th-century Spaniards continued the tradition.

Doctrine & Dogma

Jewish Doctrine and Dogma. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs, Philosophy and Theology. Articles on Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Jews in North Africa and Egypt

New, more fanatical Muslim rulers caused the quality of Jewish life in North Africa and Egypt to deteriorate during the 12th and 13th centuries.

Jewish Language and Poetry

Arabic was the spoken and written tongue of the Jews in the medieval Muslim empire, a fact that encouraged cultural exchange and the development of new forms for Hebrew poetry.

Jews in Poland

Medieval Jews found religious tolerance and economic opportunity in Poland

Jews in Palestine

The accumulation of disasters in the Middle Ages--expulsions, crusades, and the Black Death, to name a few--inspired a steady stream of Jewish immigration to the Holy Land.

The Israeli President

The Israeli presidency is largely a ceremonial role.
