The Shiur Komah: Imaging the Divine
A text's physical description of God might actually have been intended to emphasize God's indescribability.
Spinoza and the Philosophical Impossibility of a Chosen People
Jewish chosenness is not a metaphysical reality. It derives from the conditions of a particularly prosperous period in Israelite history.
2500 BCE to 539 BCE: The Story
Jewish History from the beginning through the Babylonian exile.
Jews & Globalization
Jews (not surprisingly) fall on different sides of the issue, but Jews and Israel have also been the target of anti-globalization anger.
The Rabbis and the Common Folk
The evolving relationship between the rabbinic sages and the Jews on the street.
Jewish-Christian Theology and Relations After the Holocaust
In the wake of the Holocaust, Jewish theologians have challenged Christian thinkers to rework Christianity's traditional pictures of the Jews.
Jewish Views on Islam
According to most Jewish thinkers, Islam is not idolatry; but authorities have disagreed as to whether it's better to convert or be martyred.