

Jewish Views on Fair Business Practices

What is unfair competition in business? There are many Jewish answers.

Business Ethics & Jewish Law

Jewish law has plenty to say about conducting business: accurate weights and measures, overcharging, verbal deception, false packaging and much more.

Parashat Chukat: Summary

God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer; Miriam dies; Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it; Aaron dies.

The Stability of the Priestly Blessing

The priestly blessing with which parents bless their children on Shabbat gives parents an opportunity to partner with God in shaping Jewish history and ensuring continuity.

Parashat Sh’lach: Summary

Moses sends scouts to explore the Land of Israel; ten of them convince the people that it will be too difficult to conquer the land.

Who Was Solomon Schechter?

The namesake for the Conservative day school network was a key scholar who became president of the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York.

Texts Marking Time

Jewish historiography frequently uses the history of texts as the periodization for Jewish history.

Quiz: Bible Characters

How much do you know about bible characters?


Jews in Medieval Christendom. Jewish History from 632 - 1650. Medieval Jewish History. Jews in the Middle Ages.

A Summary of the Torah

A description of the highlights of the Torah, according to the divisions of the weekly portions.

Ecological Concerns in Rabbinic Literature

The ancient rabbinic sages did not see degradation of the natural environment as a systemic problem: but we can learn from their legislation addressing the more local environmental issues of which they were aware.

Blessings and Jewish Ethics

Why don't we say a blessing before we do a good deed?
