The Free Will Problem: Early Solutions
Biblical and rabbinic sources stress both divine determinism and human freedom.
Hardened Hearts: Removing Free Will
The Bible records several problematic instances of God hardening human hearts, seemingly stripping them of free will.
Divine Providence
According to some thinkers, God only watches over people in a general way; according to others, divine providence extends to the minute details of life.
Ruth and Lovingkindness
Rabbinic tradition sees her as a virtuous woman who is rewarded for her behavior.
Preventing Dependency
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." How many fish do we buy, and how many nets?
Jewish Business Ethics in Practice
Jewish Business Ethics in Practice. Judaism and Business Ethics. Jewish Work and Commerce.
Jewish Moneylending
The profitable money business between Jews and Christians often became tense.
The Church and the Jews
A survey of Church issues relevant to Jews, including papal attitudes and actions and the enactments of ecclesiastical councils
Jewish Education in Muslim Lands
In Muslim countries, Jewish boys learned the whole range of Jewish and secular subjects.
The Almohads
The seizure of power in the Maghreb by a fanatical sect disrupted the relations between Muslims and Jews.