Remember Your Rock, Your Creator
Moshe poetically reminds the Children of Israel of the importance of remembering God who created them.
Parashat Vayeilech: Summary
Moses concludes his speech to the Israelites, blesses Joshua, and instructs the community to gather every seven years to read publicly from the Torah; God predicts the eventual straying of the Israelites.
What Jews Believe About the Soul
The idea that the soul is the human instrument of spirituality became more prominent over the course of Jewish history.
The Gay Orthodox Underground
Recently, organized efforts have been made to confront the conflicts between homosexuality and traditional Jewish life.
The Environmentally Conscious Jewish Home
For Jewish families, caring for the environment could be part of a wider consciousness of living in a world that is a divine gift.
Parashat Ha’azinu: Summary
Moses recites a song to the Children of Israel that testifies to their covenant with God.
Parashat Re’eh: Summary
Moses instructs the Israelites regarding idolatry, false prophets, clean and unclean foods, tithes, freeing slaves, and the pilgrimage festivals.