

God: A Great Personality

The biblical God is a God we can relate to.

God the Creator

Unlike the creation stories of other Near Eastern cultures, the biblical creation story is not concerned with God's origins.

God: Some Feminist Questions

Why female pronouns for God may not be enough.

God’s Phallus

Surprisingly enough, gender-sensitive critiques of the Jewish God can create problems for notions of masculinity.

God Language and Liturgy

Jewish feminists imagine and address God in a multiplicity of ways, both innovative and traditional.

Philip Roth

A review of the Jewish satirist's long career in fiction.

Novelists in the Nineties

In the 1970s, literary critics predicted the demise of the Jewish American novel. A talented group of novelists proved them wrong.

The Experience and Nearness of God

Martin Buber and Abraham Joshua Heschel stressed the human encounter with God.

Saadiah Gaon’s Theology

Written in 933, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions provided rational analysis of God and Judaism, setting a precedent for medieval philosophers.

God Exists, I’ll Prove It To You

Like many medieval Jewish thinkers, Maimonides formulated his own proofs for the existence of God.

Stubbornness And Chance

Two interpretations of a word illustrate different understandings of punishments listed in Parashat Bechukotai.

Masters Of Servitude

The laws of the Sabbatical year inspire us to sanctify space, time, and our behaviors towards each other.
