

Secular Humanistic Judaism: Rejecting God

Humans, not God, are at the center of this Jewish denomination.

What We Talk About When We Talk About God

So God is just like you and me, right? Maimonides explains why the Bible's descriptions of God can't be taken literally.

Thinking and Speaking About God

Using language--a human construct--to describe the divine is a precarious matter.

Brit Milah: Rabbinic Interpretations

Covenant, conversion, custom, and circumcision.

Brit Milah: Why Boys Are Circumcised

How Jewish thinkers over the ages have explained the importance of ritual circumcision.

When She Arrives

How can creativity and a sense of commandedness be combined when confronting new ritual needs?

Why the Minyan? Community and Brit Milah

The customary quorum of 10 represents the community and its obligations to the child.

Liturgy, Ritual, and Custom for Babies

Overview of Liturgy, Ritual & Customs for baby ceremonies.

Is Brit Milah Cruel and Unnecessary?

Questions and answers about the ethics of circumcision.

The Importance of a Hebrew Name

Naming may have heavenly significance.

Baby Naming and the Covenant

A covenant ceremony welcomes a child into the community of humanity as a developing moral agent, responsible for working to perfect the world.
