

Hasidic Mysticism

Hasidism spread mystical ideas to the masses of East-European Jewry.

Tzedakah in the Jewish Tradition

The Rabbis regulated the giving and receiving of tzedakah even while recognizing that how one gives may be as important as how much one gives.

Mitzvot: Contemporary Thought

On history, spirituality, obligation, and standing at Sinai.

Rabbinic Reasons For the Mitzvot

The Sages proposed additional reasons to obey the mitzvot beyond those offered by the Bible.


Genesis 28:10-32:3


Genesis 25:19-28:9

Haye Sarah

Genesis 23:1-25:18

Heikhalot Literature

Scholars disagree over whether Heikhalot texts are chronicles of mystical adventures or literary creations.

What Hasidic Jews Believe

Though Hasidism is not a homogenous philosophy, there are certain ideas common to its many subgroups.

New Possibilities in Jewish Sexuality

Judaism may need new categories of sexual relationships in order to adjust to the reality of sex outside marriage.
