Avoiding Confrontation And Responsibility
Judah's plea to Joseph marks his transition into claiming responsibility and facing the consequences of his actions.
Parashat Noach: Summary
A flood destroys all living creatures, aside from Noah, his family and the animals in their ark.
The God Of Isaac
As Jacob descends to Egypt he calls on the God of Isaac to assure him that this decision is correct.
Reminders Of Love
Like Judah's approach to Joseph, the people of Israel must sometimes remind God of our unique commitment to one another.
The Genome Project and Jewish Law
Does the genome project take imitatio dei too far--beyond imitating God, to playing God?
Types of Speech
Types of Jewish Speech. Themes and Theology of Jewish Speech. Jewish Speaking.
Truth and Lies in the Jewish Tradition
Jewish moralist literature sets a high standard of truthtelling, but one not without exceptions.
Educating Against Egypt
Through his experiences with his nephew Lot, Abraham learns valuable parenting skills.
Maimonides on the Six Orders of the Mishnah
The sequence of the six orders follows the precedent of Scripture