

Tzedakah Guidelines

Jewish texts discuss how much to give and to whom.

The First Intifada

The content and consequences of the 1987 Palestinian uprising.

Where Was Sarah?

Sarah's death illustrates the flaw of attempting to impose perfect justice on an imperfect world.

Intermarriage: Jewish Attitudes

A recent survey finds that a growing number of American Jews accept intermarriage.

The Duality And Unpredictability Of Human Nature

The creation of humans and our variability expressed in Bereshit present us with endless choices and challenges for how to live our lives.

Classical Understandings of Mitzvot and their Reasons

The rabbinic sages and later philosophers and mystics offered many ways to categorize the mitzvot and explain their significance.

Jewish Outreach

A 2001 study conducted by the Jewish Outreach Institute evaluates the efficacy of outreach programs.

Jewish Philanthropy

What are the tough questions Jewish philanthropists must ask themselves? And what should the Jewish community ask of them?

The Lives of Interfaith Families

Recent research on the formation of religious identity in interfaith families.

Misgivings and Misconceptions

Though most rabbinic authorities allow organ transplants, the Jewish community has a poor track record when it comes to donations.

The “Abortion Pill”

What is the Jewish position on RU-486 ?
