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Test your Jewish knowledge!


Israeli Food Quiz

Can you tell your hummus from your shakshuka?


Shabbat Quiz

It comes every Friday night with its own set of rules, special songs, and foods. How much do you know ...


Bible Quiz

How much do you know about the contents of the Bible and about biblical scholarship?


Purim Food Quiz

Test your knowledge of Purim foods and food traditions.

Tu Bishvat Quiz

How much do you know about this environmentally friendly holiday?

Magic & the Supernatural Quiz

How well do you know Jewish magic, and the debates around it?

Ancient and Medieval History Quiz

How much do you know about the main Jewish figures and events, from the Bible to the dawn of modernity?

Sex & Sexuality Quiz

How much do you know about Jewish perspectives on sex?

Shavuot Quiz

How much do you know about this spring holiday?

LGBTQ Jewish History Quiz

How much do you know about LGBTQ Jewish history?

What Ritual Object Goes With Which Holiday?

Match the ritual object to its corresponding holiday.

Sephardic Judaism Quiz

Sephardic Jews have a rich history, and over time they have developed their own traditions, customs, and laws.

Bible Characters Quiz

Heroes, villains, prophets and problem children, we've got 'em all. Test your knowledge of them.
