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Test your Jewish knowledge!


Which Seder Plate Item Are You?

Where you fall on a scale from sweet haroset and bitter herbs.

Book of Bereshit Quiz

How much do you know about the Book of Genesis?

Who Wrote This Text?

Can you match the canonical Jewish texts with their authors?

Myth or Fact: The Hanukkah Edition

Can you tell which of these statements about Hanukkah are myths, and which are facts?

Afterlife & Messiah Quiz

How much do you know about Judaism and the afterlife?

Midrash Quiz

How much do you know about the origins and methods of this exegetical tradition?

Jewish Film Quiz

How much do you know about Jewish films, actors, directors and stories?

Jewish Music Quiz

How much do you know about Jewish music?

Jewish Humor Quiz

How much do you know about Jewish humor?

Quiz: Which Hamantaschen Are You?

Apricot, poppy seed or prune?

Jewish Practices Quiz

How much do you know about the rules for Jewish daily life?
