

Jewish Social Welfare Organizations

Resources for alleviating poverty.

The Activism of Abraham

The lives of Abraham and Job provide us with two models for confronting poverty.

Preventing Dependency

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." How many fish do we buy, and how many nets?

Tzedakah in the Jewish Tradition

The Rabbis regulated the giving and receiving of tzedakah even while recognizing that how one gives may be as important as how much one gives.

No Food Before Helping Those in Need

One spiritual leader's approach to the relationship between giving and taking.

Tzedakah Guidelines

Jewish texts discuss how much to give and to whom.

Tzedakah: History and Development

History and Development of Tzedakah. Jewish Tzedakah. Charitable Giving.

Tzedakah Themes & Theology

Although often translated as “charity,” tzedakah is not equivalent to charity. Rather, its root means “justice.”

Tzedakah in the Bible

The Bible backed up its exhortations to assist the poor with laws and practices that gave poor people a claim to a share of society’s wealth.

Investigating the Individuals to Whom We Contribute

A contemporary Conservative rabbi reviews the Jewish legal literature for guidance on how much to ask about a person who solicits us for tzedakah--or whether to give to all who request our help.
