Cater Waiter for Seder


As MJL’s resident expert on
Gossip Girl
, it’s my obligation to report on last night’s episode “Seder Anything.” According to my last report, the acclaimed but under-watched CW-show had no Jewish characters.

So why would they be hosting a Passover Seder? Over the past season, Blair’s mother has married Cyrus Rose–a short, bald Jewish lawyer. Way to not be stereotypical.

And so the Waldorf-Rose celebration last night contained some of the most memorable seder moments ever heard on prime time TV:

Best Line Eleanor Waldorf: “I don’t even know how to say half the words in this prayer book named after Joe Lieberman’s wife.”
Dan: She’s Hadassah. This is a Haggadah.
Best nickname Dan is known as the “Cater Waiter for Seder” when takes a job at a catering company to help foot the bill for Yale and ends up serving his own parents.

Best Medieval History shout-out When Gabriel, a man Serena might have accidentally married on her recent vacation to Spain, arrives at seder, Gossip Girl tells us of the upcoming “Spanish Inquisition.”

Best Gratuitous Use of Hebrew The narrator signs out “Shalom, Gossip Girl.”

Best depiction of the truth Eleanor Waldorf is so confused that after 45 minutes, they haven’t eaten a thing.


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