Failure to Launch: The Upside of Falling Down


What would you do if you weren’t afraid to fail? Our fear of failure is holding us back, argues Rabbi Josh Joseph. How do we shift from a culture of not failing to a culture of succeeding? Rabbi Joseph contents that from failure we can find success and suggests three steps to get to failure: develop a culture where it’s OK to fail; incentivize risk taking and creative thinking; review your mistakes, learn from them, and get back in the game. These three steps, Rabbi Joseph asserts, help us push through failure in order to thrive.

Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph is senior vice president at Yeshiva University where he has operating responsibility for the administrative and academic aspects of the University, ensuring strategic planning, and implementation of restructuring initiatives. Rabbi Joseph recently earned his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania in Higher Education Management. He received rabbinic ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University, along with a MA in Jewish philosophy from Yeshiva Univeristy’s Bernard Revel Graduate School. He has completed fellowships and certificates at New York University’s Wagner School of Public Administration and Harvard’s Institute of Higher Education. Previously, Rabbi Joseph worked at a hedge fund, as a community rabbi, served as the executive director of the Orthodox Caucus, and director of social entrepreneurialism at Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.

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