Falling in Love with Prayer


We’re surrounded by holiness, G-d, the divine. Our Siddur is a spiritual ‘playbook,’ a ‘drill set’ to build our skills for encountering the divine. Prayer opens our hearts to the experience of holiness. Try falling in love with a prayer. Then see what happens.

Alden Solovy spreads joy and excitement for prayer. A liturgist and poet, his work has been used by people of all faiths throughout the world. He’s written more than 600 pieces of new liturgy, offering a fresh new Jewish voice, often challenging the boundaries between poetry, meditation, personal growth, and prayer. The Jerusalem Post called Alden’s writing “soulful and meticulously crafted.” Huffington Post Religion said his “…prayers reflect age-old yearnings in modern-day situations.” Alden’s third book, This Grateful Heart, was released in March 2017 by the CCAR Press. His work has been widely anthologized, including: Choosing a Jewish Life, Men Pray, Mishkan R’fuah, and Mishkan Hanefesh. He’s also the author of Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing and Haggadah Companion: Meditations and Readings. Alden’s teaching spans from U.S. synagogues to Limmud Conferences in the U.S. and UK to the Conservative Yeshiva and HUC-JIR in Jerusalem. He was the National Havurah Committee’s 2015 Summer Institute Liturgist-In-Residence and Shabbat Scholar for NewCAJE6. He’s currently Liturgist-in-Residence for the Board of Jewish Education of Metropolitan Chicago. His prayers also appear on ReformJudaism.org and RitualWell.org. Alden made aliyah to Israel in 2012 where he hikes frequently, participates in interfaith prayer and leads ManKind Project Israel. His latest work is available at tobendlight.com. He can be reached at alden@tobendlight.com.

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