Yeah But…What If? – The Future of Education


What if our education system looked entirely different? Scott Goldberg investigates what our educational system could look like if we viewed our current challenges as an opportunity for radical re-thinking. Goldberg argues that in order to adapt the Jewish educational system to the modern world, we need to integrate formal and informal education, and give teachers access to new technologies that will enable them to teach better. By combining formal and information education, Goldberg asserts, we better prepare children for the modern world, and help solve the economic challenges facing the Jewish education system.

Scott J. Goldberg is the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning at Yeshiva University, and an Associate Professor at YU’s Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education. He also serves as the Chairman of the Koren Publisher’s Editorial Board for their series of children and youth siddurim, and has sat on several national panels and committees dedicated to addressing modern challenges to Jewish education, such as the lack of qualified teachers, and the economic sustainability of day schools. Between 2007 and 2013 he was the inaugural director of the Institute for University-School Partnership, where he worked to make Jewish day schools more sustainable and forward thinking. He has dedicated his life’s work to improving Jewish education, advocating media and technology integration in schools, creating system of support for students with learning disabilities, and developing new models for learning assessment. Scott holds a PhD in Applied Psychology from New York University, an MSEd in Special Education from Bank Street College of Education in New York, and a BA in Jewish Studies from the University of Chicago.

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