5 Meaningful Ways to Conquer Summer Boredom

While maintaining social distancing.


Summer may seem like a total bust. Across the country, beaches are closed, internships are canceled, and summer jobs have ended before they started. You may be getting bored. Very bored. And if you’re anything like me, you get sad when you feel like you’re doing nothing. Fear not, my friends, I have come to the rescue with hope and options. Here are five socially distant things to do this summer that allows you to put things on your college resumés and fill your time in a meaningful way.

1. Volunteer

I know many volunteer opportunities have been canceled, but coronavirus has left many people in need of service and help! Luckily, many organizations have brought volunteering online. Here are a few services to look into for this summer.

If you’re in NYC and are looking for opportunities, check out In It Together.

If you’re looking for opportunities nationwide, check out Corona Connects.

Volunteering allows you to feel like you’re doing something more meaningful in your life, something we as humans need to feel happy.

2. Learn a New Skill

A new skill can allow you to interact with new ideas in different, creative ways. It can also allow for self-discovery. This can help you release pent up energy or give you the ability to find a new hobby that could even turn into a career. There are tons of free services and videos available, but here are a few ideas you can try first.

Learn to code with Code Academy.

Learn animation with Adobe’s After Effect beginner’s series.

Learn how to play the piano.

Learn how to bake bread. Try this recipe for sourdough bread.

3. Learn a New Language

Language is so important. Not only does it allow us to connect with others, but it also gives us a new perspective on the world. Bilingual speakers have been proven to view things in a more unique way. If that doesn’t excite you to learn a new language, I don’t know what will. Duolingo is a great resource to help you start learning.

4. Get a Head Start On the School Year

School is probably the last thing you want to think about right now. But, by starting some classes early, you can decrease your stress in the beginning of school. Khan Academy is a great resource to start preparing early for most classes, from the AP Bio to SAT work.

5. Create Something

Create something, literally anything! Creating anything whether it is art, video, or another kind of project allows you to fill your time perfecting something you can be proud of. Creating something also can teach you new skills, which, as I mentioned earlier, is another way to become less bored this summer.


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