Make Your Own Mitzvot


“There are 613 mitzvot (commandments from God) that all Jews are supposed to follow. Some of them are easy to understand and apply to modern day life, while others seem antiquated and irrelevant. We invite you to ponder the 613 rules and tosubmit your own (re)interpretation of what they mean to us today.”

This introduction to the (RE)VELATION project has led to some pretty interesting takes on Jewish law:

531. Do not sell a field devoted to the Lord becomes Replacing the Rose Bowl with condominiums is out of the question.

21. Affix the mezuzah to the doorposts and gates of your house becomes Letting people know you’re Jewish will boost property values.

204. Do not swear needlessly becomes it’s ok to call someone an “asshole” if he really is one.

This project, which I’m am loving, will will debut at DAWN, a special event at grand opening of the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco on June 7th.


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