
The Sunrise Of A New Year

I am emotionally fatigued by all the heartbreak of this past summer. I am drained by the tragedy of the ...

Running and Returning

The maze-like path of the labyrinth, leading in and out of a sacred center, echoes an ancient kabbalistic idea.

Our Divine Sparks

Tu B'Shvat, trees, and bringing holiness in to the world

Feminism Comes in Many Different Forms

“Why don’t you learn to read the megillah,” asked my husband a few months before Purim.I thought about it for ...

Embracing Unity, Not Uniformity

The High Holiday season just ended. A spiritual, emotional and communal journey through Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot culminated ...

Near and Far

The very structure of the normal Jewish blessing formula (Barukh Atah…) reflects the tension of recognizing and responding to God's immanence and transcendance.

Trees in Jewish Thought

Jewish sources single out trees as one of the most important aspects of the natural world.

It’s Not All in a Name

It’s clear from the names of my two pop culture humor books, Cool Jew and Hot Mamalah, that my Jewish background is ...

How Jewish Recipes Changed After the Holocaust

Goldie Finkelstein was just 13 when she was sent to Wiener Graben, a work camp that later became a concentration ...

Overcoming Obstacles to Recite Mourner’s Kaddish with Dignity

My father died on Rosh Hashanah 5764. He died at home, in a clean white bed, surrounded by his wife ...
