
Parshat Beha’alotcha: Summary

The Israelites receive instructions regarding Passover, journey forth from Sinai and complain to God on several occasions.

Kreplach Recipe: Jewish Dumplings You Can Make at Home

Too intimidated to make your own kreplach? These Jewish cooking pros make it simple.

Gittin 75

More clarity, please.

Synagogue Music

The music of the synagogue celebrates both the diversity and unity of the Jewish people.

Different Jokes for Different Folks

On Monday, Melissa Fay Greene shared the story behind the adoption of her daughter, Helen, from Ethiopia. She has been ...

What We Missed, 2009 Edition

Almost every day I come across some article or blog post that’s worth sharing with the Mixed Multitudes. I usually ...


A popular prayer with a controversial history.

His Bar Mitzvah; My Religious Crisis

How do you send your child to Hebrew school when you hated it?
