
Netflix Star Phil Rosenthal Finds Jewish Food Everywhere He Goes

Laughter was Rosenthal's family currency, but now he is passing on Jewish food to his own kids.

Vegetarian Stuffed Cabbage

Rolled foods that resemble a Torah are traditional on Simchat Torah.

Shiva: What You Need to Know

Questions and answers about traditions for the seven-day Jewish mourning period.

10 Holocaust Memoirs You Should Read

These first-person accounts of Jewish survival and resilience during the Holocaust are powerful, educational and moving.

How We Benefit By Forgiving Others

Judaism teaches that there are personal, societal and spiritual benefits to forgiving those who have hurt us.

Matrimony: An Excerpt

Yesterday I posted an interview I did with Joshua Henkin, author of the new novel Matrimony. Now here’s an excerpt ...

Significant Numbers in Judaism

A look at some numbers — from seven to 18 to 613 — that have Jewish significance.

The Shofar Saga

How easy is it to make your own?
