
Songs of Hope and Failure

On Monday, Chris Moriarty wrote about why she wrote The Inquisitor’s Apprentice. She will be blogging here all week for ...

What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

Each Torah portion is paired with a passage from the Prophets.

Jewish Routines for Children

Creating positive educational experiences for your family.

The Shofar Saga

How easy is it to make your own?

Fasting and Asceticism

What is prohibited on Yom Kippur?

Eating Pork in New York

It was close to midnight, the latest I’ve been out in months. My friend Fred Chao had brought me to ...

How to Make Cold Borscht

A summertime take on borscht with ginger and citrus.

Are Jews Ethnic?

A new approach to ethnic studies leaves Jews, Hindus and Asians out of the picture
