
Ketubot 91

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Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

External texts from the Second Temple period.

Can Our Love Be Bigger Than Our Fear?

My fear is not very far below the surface. It rises when I hear about another shooting in Brooklyn, sometimes ...

Light Growing in My Darkness

I am a person particularly affected by sunlight, aware of a shift in my body and mood that coincides with ...

Summary of Tractate Yevamot

This talmudic text dives deep into the laws of levirate marriage.

Unifying Towards Redemption

We can achieve redemption only when striving for unity, holiness, and justice.


San Francisco, for all that city’s rent chaos and interweb madness, still has one of the most productive, experimental, and ...

Queer-Identified, Frum-Identified Jew in a Complicated Relationship with Orthodoxy

This morning The Torch,  a project of JOFA, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, shared the heartwarming story of a family adjusting to ...

Eight Famous Jewish Nobel Laureates

From Albert Einstein to Bob Dylan, there are many Jewish Nobel laureates who have become household names.
