
Challenging our Assumptions about Women’s Inclusion

“You should volunteer to lead the Orthodox minyan, prayer services, you have the opportunity to make a Kiddush HaShem, sanctification ...

Approaching “Niddah” with Radical Openness

I am learning the laws of niddah, laws that relate to menstruation and sexuality, with a group of women. It has ...

Judah Halevi On the Land of Israel

He believed the Land of Israel is necessary for living a complete Jewish life.

Jeremiah: Prophet of Judgment and of Hope

Jeremiah's tragic message is conveyed by both his prophecies and account of Jerusalem's destruction, but he also gives his people hope.

Talmud FAIL: Yalta vs. Ulla

Most of my favorite Talmud stories center around Yalta. She’s a Talmud-era commentator who’s sometimes thought to be Rav Nachman’s ...

The Parve Baker

One of my favorite people is Jennifer Joseph, the publisher, editor-in-chief, and almost everything else behind the independent publisher Manic ...

Gospel Music at Shul: Yay or Nay?

There’s this weird trend going on at my shul recently. Hadar has always been big on people bringing in new ...

The Fast of Esther: A Minor Fast Day

The joy of Purim is preceded by solemnity.

Jewish Food Tourney: #4 Latkes vs #13 Manischewitz Wine, #5 Cholent vs #12 Honey Cake

We got another doubleheader for you today. But first, thanks to everyone for voting. This tournament is getting higher ratings ...
