
Yevamot 76

Is intermarriage possible?

Pesachim 10

Controlling the uncontrollable.

What Motivates People to Become Jewish?

Motivations often change over time as converts learn and live as Jews.

Ezekiel 38:18-39:16: The Destruction of Gog

The haftarah (prophetic reading) for Shabbat that falls on the intermediate days of Sukkot

Shavuot At Home

Shavuot at Home. Shavuot, Receiving the Torah. Featured Articles on Shavuot. Jewish Holidays.

Nedarim 33

Everything I do, I do it for food.

Shekalim 21

And then he kicked him.

Visiting the Soviet Union

I’ve had four opportunities to visit the Soviet Union/Former Soviet Union over the years, the fourth being the trip I’m preparing ...
