Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim


After Death, Holy

We always have the opportunity to rise above our human flaws.

Haftarah for Kedoshim

On chosenness and holiness.

Haftarah for Achrei Mot

Jerusalem is a bloody mess.

Parashat Achrei Mot Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Parashat Kedoshim Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Stumbling Blocks of Consumerism

We need to learn to produce, sell, and consume fewer unnecessary products.

Intentional Intervention

We must learn to offer hand-ups instead of hand-outs.

Raising Up the Physical

How to develop a healthy relationship with the material world.

The Law of the Farm

This portion teaches us that there are no easy fixes to the complex problems that face our social systems.
