Parashat Kedoshim
Stumbling Blocks of Consumerism
We need to learn to produce, sell, and consume fewer unnecessary products.
Intentional Intervention
We must learn to offer hand-ups instead of hand-outs.
Parashat Kedoshim: Summary
God tells Moses to give the people a series of ethical and ritual laws instructing them in how to be holy.
Does Holiness Come from Self-Restraint?
We achieve nobility and holiness through practicing self-restraint.
Being Holy
The commandment to be holy permeates every other commandment, fills in gaps between commandments, and infuses every human action.
Constructive Criticism
The commandment to rebuke one another teaches the importance of mutual responsibility.
Kilayim Pie?
The prohibition against interbreeding animals and plants raises questions about the kashrut of genetically modified foods.
Weaving Together Ritual and Ethics
Only through the combination of ritual and ethics can Judaism fully express itself.
The Nature Of Holiness
The commandment to be holy raises questions about our responsibilities towards community and our relationships with God.