Parashat Mishpatim
Parashat Mishpatim Quiz
Questions and answers about the weekly Torah portion.
Humans as Co-Creators
People cannot be proprietors over nature--they are not even absolute masters of their own creations.
Who’s In, Who’s Out
The ordinances in this portion emphasize issues relevant to society and the interactions among groups.
Exodus Morality
Whether or not we know the suffering of the slaves, we are commanded to act as if we do.
Under God’s Feet
How do we reconcile our desire to see God with God's statement that no one can see God and live?
Parashat Mishpatim: Summary
Moses informs the people of numerous ethical and ritual laws and seals the covenant between the Children of Israel and God.
Murder And Atheism
In claiming power over human lives, a murderer denies that God alone possesses that power.
Critiquing Our Leadership
While it's easy to complain about poor leadership, Parashat Mishpatim challenges us to critique from a committed, engaged perspective.