Parashat Terumah
Parashat Terumah Quiz
Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.
The Mishkan as Model
This portion's attention to detail speaks to the kind of vigilance we need in creating a just society.
Is God Present in Our Consumption?
We are given God's world and the material within to construct a house for God--one of peace, harmony, and sustainability.
On The Way To Sanctity
The sanctification process of materials for the Tabernacle and Temple teaches us that everything has the potential to be used for holiness.
Gifts Freely Given
By giving God our full presence we allow the possibility for intimate connection and for God to dwell within us.
Parashat Terumah: Summary
God instructs Moses to collect gifts from the Israelites in order to build a Tabernacle so that God can dwell among the people; God describes to Moses the vessels and structures that comprise the Tabernacle.
The Role Of Ritual
In focusing on ritual laws, Parashat Terumah teaches us that by reliving heroic historic moments we can introduce the transcendent into our daily lives.