Parashat Vaera


Parashat Vaera Quiz

Questions and answers about the Torah portion.

The Earth is the Lord’s

Modern-day plagues are occurring with greatly increasing frequency around the world.

Unwilling Audiences

It takes a great deal of courage to leave what is comfortable and enter the wilderness.

The Stick that Exacerbates the Plagues

Like the Egyptians devastated by the arrival of the plagues, we become concerned only when environmental degradation reaches our back door.

Thanks When Thanks Are Due

A Midrash on the 10 plagues reminds us to recognize any good that has been done for us.

What’s In A Name?

Just as the introduction of God's new name represents a shift in our relationship with God, our different names and titles also symbolize different relationships and interactions.

Parashat Vaera: Summary

Through Moses and Aaron, God brings plagues on the Egyptians, and Pharaoh repeatedly refuses to allow the Israelites to leave.

Brothers Bringing Redemption

Moses and Aaron play complementary roles in communicating God's message of redemption to both the Children of Israel and to Pharaoh.

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Moses' complaint and God's response teach us that despite our doubts, we can and should work to accomplish our unique missions in life.

Serpents And Snakes

The different miracles performed before the Israelites and before the Egyptians symbolize the different messages communicated to each group.
