
Alternative Ketubah Texts

Couples can often choose a ketubah text that reflects their values and goals.

Gittin 8

Why David wasn't allowed to rebuild the Temple.

Daily Prayer: Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv

What distinguishes the three services from one another?

Women on the March

Saturday January 20, 2017: Today, I’m committed to reading the Torah’s story about the seven women who give life to ...

The Unexpected Gems I Found in Megillat Esther

I could never have anticipated the impact that reading Perek Daled (chapter four) of Megillat Esther would have on my ...

Text of Kol Nidrei

The evening service opening the Day of Atonement is one of the most emotionally intense of all Jewish prayers.

How to Be the Jewish Daughter of a Cancer Patient

Today is World Cancer Day, a day when people worldwide are focused on cancer, to encourage its prevention, detection, and ...
