
Torah Like Water

A creative interpretation yields a valuable lesson about the vital importance of Torah to the Jewish people.

Themes in Death and Mourning

Though traditional sources on the laws of mourning are quite detailed and specific, an acquaintance with this legal literature reveals a number of overarching themes and principles.

The Fascinating Evolution of Mexican Jewish Cuisine 

A joyful, dynamic and delicious blend of flavors, ingredients and techniques.

Rosh Hashanah Gift Guide

Must-have items your High Holidays hosts will appreciate.

Nedarim 89

All the single ladies.

Shabbat at South by Southwest

Alan Jay Sufrin and Miriam Brosseau form Stereo Sinai, a self-described “biblegum pop” band based in Chicago, IL. This week, ...

Mikveh Attendants Need Less Legislation and More Education

Earlier this month, Hadassah Braun Margolese wrote a blog here at The Torch describing her anguish about not being able ...

Hagar and Ishmael

An example of ancient surrogate motherhood and the biblical destiny of the child.
