
The Rabbis’ Shabbat II: Enjoyment and Spiritual Fulfillment

The Rabbis used requirements and prohibitions to shape a Shabbat experience in which creative activity is set aside to make time for matters of the spirit. Second of two parts.

Bind These Words

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Compassionate Conquest

The war against Midian teaches that when Israel does fight wars, they must fight with compassion and a minimum of casualties.

Shomer Negiah, the Prohibition on Touching

The term refers to someone who refrains from physical contact with members of the opposite sex.

Welcoming Synagogue Diversity

I feel at home at this synagogue because I have never been made to feel like a token.

Why I Converted to Judaism

My involvement with Judaism began with a Jewish boyfriend, but I ultimately converted for myself.

Moses’ Approach Towards Death

Several commentaries interpret Moses's going to the people before his death.

The Written Torah and the Oral Torah

According to Jewish tradition, two Torahs were received on Mount Sinai -- one written, and one passed down orally for generations.

Same-Sex Marriage

The liberal Jewish movements are struggling to balance contemporary morality and Jewish tradition in deciding whether to ritually honor same-sex unions.

A History of Purim

How this festival became a time for merriment and satire.
