
October Mourning and Tikkun Olam

“And you shall lay down, and no man shall terrify you….” Whenever I stand up in shul on Shabbat and ...

The Religious Status of Yom Ha’atzmaut

Within Israel and in the greater Jewish world there are differing views as to whether there is a religious nature to Israel's Independence Day.

Kabbalistic Tu Bishvat Seder

For Jewish mystics, nature is a sacred text.

Havinenu: A Shortened Version of the Amidah

When and why Jews say an abbreviated Amidah. Full text and translation of Havinenu included.

Reshaping Jewish Memory

In the Torah, women are absent at the covenantal moment; to make up for this, Jewish history must be reconstructed.


Scholars debate whether the Israelites recognized only one God or worshipped only one God.

Navigating a Jew-“ish” (Food) Identity

(Bonus Hummingbird Cake Recipe Included)

Traditional Sources on Sex Outside Marriage

While the Torah does not forbid premarital sex, the rabbis of the talmudic era prohibited it--but one modern authority proposed a sanctioned form of exclusive sexual relationship outside of marriage.

Mizrahi Jews in Israel

Jews from Arab lands are gaining more and more influence in Israeli society.

American Synagogue Sisterhoods

Jewish women serving congregation, denomination, American and world Jewry
