
The Modern Noahide Movement

Non-Jews living in observance of the Seven Noahide Laws.

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.

Unraveling the Mystery of Jewish Food

On Monday, June Hersh gave a recipe for Moroccan lamb shanks. She is the author of The Kosher Carnivore: The ...

Ariel Sharon

From military hawk to political pragmatist

1950s Jewish Humor

The 1950s: Reiner & Brooks, Sid Caesar, MAD, and Lenny Bruce

Bedtime Shema

Asking God for peace and protection in this evening prayer.

Conversion History: Late 20th Century

Jewish attitudes toward conversion began to change as spouses of non-Jews remained loyal to Judaism and more converts chose Judaism.

Navigating Orthodox Conversion with a Feminist Sensibility

I was 75 percent Jewish, I told the Orthodox rabbi, my paternal grandparents and one maternal grandparent were all Jewish. “So, you’re not Jewish,” he replied.

Five Things That Make Us Go Ummm

In the course of our work to create and nurture welcoming, inclusive, Jewish communities, we have the privilege of working ...

Do Jews Believe in Miracles?

From the Bible to the Talmud to the Hasidic masters, miracles are found everywhere in Jewish tradition — but there is no single way to understand them.
