Jewish History

20 Black Jews You Should Know

From Yiddish theater to the rabbinate, Black Jews have risen to prominence and enriched all aspects of Jewish and American life.

Ask the Expert: When Emotions Overwhelm

Is there a Jewish prayer when life feels overwhelming?

The Jews of Kaifeng: China’s Only Native Jewish Community

Tolerance and assimilation led to the near-disappearance of a Chinese Jewish community over 1,000 years old.

7 Things You Should Know About Hebrew

The Jewish people’s traditional language has a storied past.


Next Torah Portion


In this Torah portion, God tells Moses to have the Israelites set up camp at the Sea of Reeds, but then Pharaoh changes his mind about freeing the Israelites and chases his former slaves. With the Egyptians on the Israelites’ tail, God splits the sea and Moses leads the Israelites through it. When the Egyptians enter, God closes the waters, and the Egyptians drown. Miriam leads all the Israelite women in song and dance to celebrate. Soon after, the Israelites begin to complain about life in the desert. God provides quail and manna to feed them. The Israelites battle the Amalekites and win.


Parashat Beshalach

Exodus 13:17-17:16

Judges 4:4-5:31

Parashat Beshalach: Sustaining Creation Through Song

Why the creation of the Jewish nation in Parashat Beshalach was marked by singing praises to God.

Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Meets: Fridays

Hosted by: My Jewish Learning

Recharge Now

Our weekly Shabbat newsletter, Recharge, features a thoughtful, timely essay to enrich your Shabbat. Here are a few of our recent pieces:

Higher Than Speech is Song

The more extraordinary our spiritual experiences, the more they put us beyond the scope of words

From the Sickbed

Sometimes we need the help of others to draw us out from the prison of our suffering.

Finding New Ways In

When our ways of engaging God aren’t working, we must find others.


7 Ways the Torah Can Actually Sharpen Your Mind

Engaging with Torah is like yoga for the mind: It keeps our perspectives flexible and creativity strong.

Ask the Expert: Do All Religions Worship the Same God?

Jews don’t have a monopoly on God, but we do privilege and prefer our own access.

Similar Jewish Words You Don’t Want to Mix Up

From kibbitz/kibbutz to mitzvah/mikveh, we round up some easily confused Hebrew and Yiddish terms.

Who Was Moses in the Bible?

The greatest Jewish prophet led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Torah at Sinai, but he never entered the promised land.

How to Talk to God

The Hasidic prayer practice of hitbodedut — talking to God freely in one’s native tongue — helps to build intimacy over time.

Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World

This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.
