
The Transgender Journey: How I Maneuvered Through it with Facebook

My heart began pounding.Faster and faster and faster.“How can this be happening?” I asked myself, tears about to pour over ...

The Good Wife: Who You Callin’ Extra?

Matthue Roth worked on the set of the new CBS drama The Good Wife as an extra, and blogged about ...

Quality Grumbling, Part II

This week,  Joshua Cohen and Justin Taylor exchange ideas around book promotion, materials of writing, and the devolution of the author. ...

VeAhavta: And You Shall Love

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as  parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Rebecca’s Spiritual Crisis

Like Rebecca, we should turn toward God, not away, in our moments of spiritual crisis.

Parashat Miketz: Summary

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt's anti-famine plan, which brings him into contact with his brothers again.

Leviticus 19

This climactic chapter emphasizes the obligation to be holy in our dealings with our fellow human beings.

The Holocaust: Responding to Modern Suffering

The events of the Holocaust put the problem of suffering at the fore of Jewish theological discourse.


A ritual in recognition of the author's miscarriage emerged from a year of studying about the infertile Hannah, who eventually had a child.


New Historians, new understandings of the past, and recent critiques of Zionist discourse
